
Our school is an example of what leadership with mission ,commitment and dsicipline can achieve. Looking back our journey in the pursuit of education since 2001 when our school came up thanks to our Bishop Joseph Kallarangattu and the founder of our school Fr. Mathew Vettukallel. We are both happy and proud at the thought of the memorable milestones we have reached.

None of our school’s achievements would have been possible without the single minded commitment and the dedicated care of our teachers. We are also constantly encouraged by the parents and well wishers who have shown much confidence and given their fullest support. We are also thankful to Fr. Jeevan Kadalikkatttil, our Manager, an efficient and dynamic animator who always support us in all our endeavors.

We have upgraded our infrastructure facilities including our auditorium, science lab, computer lab, playground and library.

PTA : Parent – teacher meeting is the backbone of our school. We appreciate the cooperation of our parents in the education of our students. Christujyothi is giving equal importance to extra-curricular activities for the holistic developments of the students. This year we have provided various training such as keyboard, violin, skating, karate, yoga, music and dance.  Many milestones have been achieved in our journey, and yet we have to reach many more. CJEMS will continue our unceasing  efforts to mold our young minds into  well balanced personalities with confidence.
